donderdag 6 december 2012

December 4th

I have some great news!  I auditioned for a new musical from FanWork and today I got a phone call in which I was told that I got through the next round! Yeah Happy me.  I participated already with another musical this year and I had a great time and I learned a lot and therefore, I auditioned again. What I learned most was that you should have faith in yourself. Everyone (most people) is insecure about themselves sometimes, but this may not be hold you back from achieving amazing success.  Just be yourself and have faith in yourself <3

This is a picture taken from me for the local newspaper when I played in the musical.
My message with this picture is also that you must know that there is a whole world waiting for you to embrace it with open arms!

1 opmerking:

  1. Congratulations! When is your callback? I hope you get the part. (What is FanWork anyway?!) I also love the snow pictures. Beautiful!
