dinsdag 11 december 2012

December 10th

This text is an extract from the novel The Collector. I found it quite inspiring because it is exactly the truth. The extract is about how money changes people’s views of life. ‘Poverty forces them to have good qualities and pride in other things’ and ‘The most beautiful things are quite independent of money’ are my favourite lines. These lines show that money does not necessarily mean you’re happy. When you are poor, you need to have pride in other things like friends and family and you have more care for unimportant things. The other line implies that the most beautiful things in your life will not be your mansion or your brand new car but your family and friends as they have nothing to do with money. Everything I write at the moment is contradicting to what I wrote earlier: I want to be a millionaire. However, I think people should realize more that money it not everything. You need it in life as our society is made up of money but we should not forget that years and years and years ago people had no money at all. The word ‘money’ did not even exist!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I LOVE that you used a passage from The Collector. It seems cliche that "money doesn't buy happiness" but it's incredibly true. Too sad that too few people realize this...
