zondag 2 december 2012

December 2nd

It is already the second day of my challenge :) Today I want to underscore the fact that sometimes you don’t have to be extensively big or stand out in the crowd. You know, sometimes less is more. Little and tiny things in life can catch your attention even more than immense and overwhelming tings.  Therefore I took a photo of by ‘baby collection’. This collection consists of all kinds of objects in baby-size. I have a baby bottle of diet coke, a baby ice-watch and baby sneakers. I must admit that I like them more than those of the large-size.

A similar situation is seen with people. Sometimes you want to be that popular chick of the school because everyone will like you and admire you. However, you must realize that the shy, withdrawn girl has the same shiny heart and can be of more significance to you than you had ever thought before.  

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